
Tehran - Valiasr Crossroads


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What is a proposal? Let me make things easy for you first. The proposal is like a draft contract. It wants to say what the student is going to do and where he is going to get to. He wants to say, sir, what are the other things similar to this research, I want to work differently than this. Let me explain to you in this way. Start writing now.Proposal, which is translated as proposal or research plan in Farsi, is a document in which the outline of a research is presented.The purpose of the proposal is to ...

Master’s Thesis

Master’s Thesis

master’s thesisUnderstanding the philosophy of a master's thesis is more important than writing a master's thesis This point is very important Because if something is good for you and you understand the reason, it is much betterNot only is it a scholarly document that demonstrates the student's knowledge and expertise in a particular field, but the senior thesis is a process in which the student develops research, analysis, and critique skills. This process allows the student to identify a complex problem, formulate relevant research questions, and, using appropriate methods, arrive at answers that can help advance knowledge in ...

doctoral dissertation

doctoral dissertation

Is it really hard to write a Ph.D. Thesis ?????‍♂️Let's talk about Ph.D. Thesis (PhD thesis) first and understand what it is. First of all, let me tell you that there are several ways to write a Ph.D. Thesis. --- doctoral thesis --- doctoral dissertation --- PhD thesis --- Ph.D. Thesis Ph.D. Thesis is the culmination of years of continuous effort and tireless practice of a student in traveling the ups and downs path of acquiring knowledge and skills in a specialized field. This deep and detailed research is a big step in the ...